So here I am back again, tonight. I found myself wanting to get this down for some reason. Perhaps it is because my oldest daughter made a comment after reading my first posting, I don't know. What I do know is that I feel the need to get this out. Maybe it has been bothering me? Anyway, here goes. So I think back to my grade school. I didn't go to Kindergarten, I don't think Bickleton had a Kindergarten to be honest. I remember my first and second grade teacher though, and she was great. I remember her being nice but firm. She was one of those people that she would correct you if you needed it but she was just as lucky to give you a hug if you needed that too. But then please remember this was back when a teacher could give you a hug, because as a little child you needed one. Or then again your teacher could give you a whack on the backside if you needed that too. But we will get into that later. I remember one time that we got into trouble during first grade, we got corrected by our hands being hit with a ruler. OUCH. yes I said OUCH. It's funny I can remember that. But we never got in trouble for something that we didn't do. She was one smart teacher. And I thank her for helping me become who I am today. She wasn't afraid to let your parents know if you were doing good or bad and she darn sure wasn't afraid of the kids. Perhaps it was because back then, your parents would kick your a$$ if you didn't behave. We were taught manners, morals, respect, ethics, you know good old fashioned values. Alot of people today, well I should say alot of kids today do not have that, and they know that they can pull the wool over their parents eyes. In other words they don't get in trouble. Back when I was growing up, you did. One did not dare to back talk their parents. Because if you did you got smacked and to be honest you deserved it.
Anyway where was I? Oh yeah getting smacked by my teacher. LOL yeah anyway the point was that she was a great teacher, and I remember her all these years later. I also remember my classmates, well there is a reason for that. Bickleton was so small that the classes never really grew. My class was the graduating class of 1979. So I knew everyone in my class. Some would show up through the years but they would go away. We were one of the biggest classes of Bickleton High School. Our class was 17 students. I know go ahead and laugh. It's okay but at that time I didn't know any better. I didn't know there were way bigger schools out there. All I knew was Bickleton. And I liked it, or I guess I did. So back to my life. I remember playing during recess one time, we were outside and it was a nice day. Mind you this is when girls wore dresses or skirts. We were not allowed to wear pants to school. So we didn't. We would never have gotten out of the door at home. The only time I remember wearing pants was when it was winter time and there was alot of snow. But as soon as we got to school off came the pants. It was the rules and we followed them without question.
So we were out on recess and we were playing, and I remember we started playing cowboys and indians. ::laughing:: Gosh it has been so long ago now. It's like it happened to someone else not to me. We were playing and I remember tying one of the boys to a tree and I will not name him because this isn't about him. But it was so funny. We left him out there, but I remember before we went in from recess, I remember kissing him. Wow what a hussy I was. LOL I remember the teacher asking where he was and I told her outside tied to a tree. hehehe wow did I get into trouble. We didn't get to have the jump ropes after that for about a week. That showed me huh. Actually no it didn't but I'm sure it had an impact on me at the time. I don't remember all of my childhood, or rather I prefer not to write about some of it. Why you might ask well my younger school years were not alot of fun after a certain time in my life. But that is for later.
I remember growing up and having my friends and playing with them after school and on weekends. It was a normal life. My Dad always worked. My Mom worked sometimes. Not always, but she was always there for us kids. Always there for us kids. My Mom did the best that she could with what she was given. I know it must not have been easy for her. Dad was a rancher and he loved being out on his horses. I remember one time Dad was supposed to pick us kids up. I don't remember from where. But he picked us up in this old red car we had. We went to the Tavern in Bickleton. Dad wanted a beer so he stopped and told us to stay in the car. We did and pretty soon, here would come Dad out of the Tavern with soda pop and peanuts for all of us. Bottles of soda pop, grape or orange crush, pepsi, squirt, but real glass bottles, we used to take our peanuts and put them in our soda. Why? I don't know it is just what we did. We may be there for hours while my Dad drank inside. Then when he was ready to go home, he would come out, climb in the car and drive us all home. Remember this was many years ago. And we lived in an area where there were not police very often. Wow it is hard to remember some of this. I would never do that to my kids, my grandkids or my great grandkids. But that was the norm back then. I'm not saying everybody did it, but I can honestly say that I didn't think anything about it at the time.
I need a break. It's hard to think about the past some of it is soo painful, and I miss some of those times so darn much. It's not that I want to go back to that time, but sometimes I miss what I had back then. Think about it and you can understand it. I will write more later, this is enough for now. Enjoy and stay safe and healthy until next posting.
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